How to use your hard disk as ram on windows


How to use your hard disk as ram on windows

Are you looking for a way to increase your computer speed? If yes then adding a virtual memory is one of the best way to increase your computer speed. Let take a look at what virtual memory is

Virtual memory is an area of computer system secondary memory storage, in other word a virtual memory is a situation whereby secondary memory can be used as main memory and this virtual memory can be gotten from a hard disk or a flash drive.

That leads us to today post on how to use your hard disk as ram. This might sound complicated or impossible but I assure you it’s just like a piece of cake just follow the below procedure to do it.

If you want to increase your ram using your hard disk kindly follow these steps.

Note: This works on all versions of windows (7, 8, 8.1 and 10)

  1.    Make sure you know the actual amount of ram needed after that you are good to go
  2.    Make sure you have enough space available on your hard disk before proceeding to the other steps
  3.    Open your Control Panel and click on System and Security
  4.    Next click on System
  5.    At the top left corner, click on Advance System Settings
  6.    Click on the Advance tab
  7.    Right under the performance section, Click on Settings
  8.    Click on the Advanced Tab
  9.    Click on Change
  10.    Uncheck Automatic manage paging file size for all drives
  11.    Choose the hard drive, I will suggest you use the one you don’t use often
  12.   Enter the amount required and click on Set
  13.   Finally Restart your computer for the action to take place

Congratulation you have just used your hard disk as a virtual memory. With this your computer will increase in its speed and stability, but if you are not comfortable using your hard disk as a virtual memory on your pc, you can check out my post on how to use your flash drive instead as a virtual ram. Thanks for reading.

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