How to partition your hard disk

How to partition your hard disk on windows

What is partition?

According to computer terms partition means separating your hard disk into two or many parts. Every hard disk has a partition in it but it can be shrinked to create a new one.

 Creating a partition is very useful if you want to install a new operating system or you want to store an important data separately.

 Creating a partition helps you access your important document easily because it is separated from the rest. Partitioning your hard disk is very simple to do on windows Os just follow the following steps to do so.

There are other ways for partitioning your hard drive this option include the use of software’s like

1.   EaseUS Partition Master

2.   Mini Tool Partition Wizard

3.   Gparted Disk Partition

4.   AOMEI Partition Assistant

And so many of them, but for this tutorial I will be using Microsoft built-in tool Disk Management.

Disk Management is one of Windows Os built in tool that helps you create, format, remove and manage partition on your hard drives.

Steps involved in creating a partition with disk management

Before proceeding make sure you backup your files so that you won’t lose your important files.

  1.    Open Disk Management to do so click on your start button and type “partition”, then you will see an option for create and format hard disk partition click on it
  2.    When it opens you will see a list of hard drive installed on your computer Right click on the hard drive you want to partition
  3.    Next select Shrink Volume
  4.    You will be prompt to enter the size you want it to be allocated to the new partition. Note the size is in Mb (megabyte), remember that 1000mb=1gb so make sure you enter the right amount that is to say if you want to use 10gb that is going to be 10000mb
  5.   Click on Shrink to continue with the remaining procedures
  6.    Disk management will create a new partition and it will be marked as “Unallocated” to proceed, Right click on the newly created partition and select “New Simple Volume”
  7.    Click Next  all through until you find a window where you can fill the File System (NTFS, FAT32, exFAT e.t.c),  Allocation Unit Size, Volume label for example Local Disk(E:), and you will see a box for perform a quick format click it and click Next to proceed. almost done all you have to do is to
  8.    Click on Finish and wait for the new partition to be formatted

Finally you have successfully created a partition on your hard disk.  To confirm that the partition was successfully created, Open your Windows explorer or file explorer you will see the newly created partition if not that means you made a mistake while creating the partition.

With this partition you can store your data like videos, music, pictures, documents you can even install another operating system on the partition (Dual Boot).

If you face any problem while creating the partition, let me know in the comment section.

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