How to use a flash drive as a ram on windows computer

image displaying a diagram of usb to ram

Ram (Random Access Memory) is a vital part that every computer has to enable it perform its daily functions/activities. The Ram deals with the speed of the computer so when you have less Ram storage your computer tends to slow down due to the little or no space left on the ram. There are options to boost your ram these options include adding extra ram, cleaning your computer, using your flash drive as a virtual ram.

That brings us to today’s topic on How to use a flash drive as a virtual ram in windows.

Without wasting much of your time let get started with this tutorials


Step involved

  1.     Insert the flash drive into any available usb port in your system
  2.     Make sure the flash drive is formatted if not open your windows explorer > click on computer > right click on your flash drive and select format option > click ok to continue with this your flash drive will be formatted and ready for use
  3.    Right click on the formatted flash drive and select properties
  4.     click on the ReadyBoost tap and select use this device
  5.     just below the use this device option you will see a place where you can adjust the amount of space you want to be dedicated to the flash drive
  6.     Click on apply and then click on ok to complete the process 
    image of readyboost interface

You have successfully turned your flash drive into a virtual ram, with this on your computer; your computer speed will increase but not that much. If you feel like you don’t want to use the flash drive anymore as a ram, do the following steps

  1.     Right click on the flash drive and select properties
  2.     click on the ReadyBoost tab and select do not use this device
  3.     Click on apply and then click on ok to complete the process 

image of readyboost

  • If your computer has a hard disk that uses solid-state drive (SSD) technology, you may not see an option to speed up your computer with ReadyBoost when you plug in a USB flash drive or flash memory card. This is because some SSD drives are so fast they're unlikely to benefit from ReadyBoost.
  • In some situations, you might not be able to use all of the memory on your device to speed up your computer. For example, some flash memory devices contain both slow and fast flash memory, but ReadyBoost can only use fast flash memory to speed up your computer.

Hope this tutorial was helpful? Let me know in the comment section. Thanks for reading.



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