How to unlock your Huawei modem

how to unlock your huawei modems
Do you have a modem that is locked and you will like to unlock it? If yes then this blog post is for you, today I will be talking about how to unlock your huawei modem. When a modem is said to be locked it means the modem only support only one sim and when you unlock it, it becomes universal that means it can now support all kinds of sim card for use. In this post we will be using a popular software called Universal Master Codewhich was specially designed for unlocking of modems and Wi-Fi box.

When you unlock your modem there are lots of benefits attached to it, firstly you will be able to switch to any sim of your choice. Secondly it makes your browsing much more effecient because you know that when you run out of data in your first sim, you can easily switch to another.


This process am about to show, does not work for all types of huawei modem. So if your modem does not fall under this category it will not work

Things Needed to Unlock your Huawei Modem

There are two most important things needed for this to work, and these things are

  • HUAWEI MODEM: First of all you must have a modem before you can thinks of unlocking.
  • IMEL NUMBER: The Imel of the modem is needed in the unlock process. IMEL stands for I M E L , this is a 15 digit that is located around the body part of your modem, find your's and copy it somewhere it will be useful later.
  • UNIVERSAL MASTER CODE: This is the software we will be using for the unlocking of your huawei modem you serach on google to download it.
  • UNLOCK CODE: This code is the key thing here, without this code you can't unlock your huawei modem and with the help of Universal Master Code you will be able to generate the Unlock Code for free.

Steps Involve in Unlocking your Huawei Modem

Finally to unlock your huawei modem, you have to follow this steps which will guide you through the unlocking process. please try not to miss any step. And this steps are


Download the Universal Master Code from their official website and install the software on your computer. After installation launch the software


Insert the desired modem you want to unlock and make sure it is running properly


Select Hauwei Tab and input your modem IMEL Number

how to unlock your huawei modems


Click on Calculate Button The software will immediately calculate the Unlock Code and the Flash Code for your modem

how to unlock your huawei modems


Note down the unlock code only cause that is what you will be using for this job i will suggest you open up Notepad from your computer and paste the copied code

how to unlock your huawei modems


Eject and re-insert the modem with a different Sim Card and you will ask to input the unlock code


Quickly insert the code which you got from the Universal Master Code software and your modem is finally unlocked


Unlocking your modem is not a hard thing to do, infact within a matter of 2 minutes you will be done unlocking your modem. All you have to do is to follow the above steps carefully and you will be able to unlock your modem


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