How to install phoenix Os on your windows pc


How to install phoenix Os on your windows pc

Phoenix Os is android operating system design to give your laptop an android feel, so in this today post I will show you ways to install phoenix Os on your pc.

a display of phoenix os logo

So we will first of all look at the Requirement of phoenix Os to run smoothly on your pc.

This method is for the Legacy Bios

Requirement of phoenix Os

Phoenix Os requires an Intel or AMD *86 processor (Intel Atom recommended)

Internal storage of 4GB but it is recommended to use at least 16GB for more efficiency

Phoenix Os installation instructions or procedure

Step 1: Download phoenix Os exe file from their official website

Get your pc connected to the Internet and head straight to to download the iso file of the phoenix.  Download the latest version which support both 32 and 64bit operating system and is based on android version 7.1

Step 2: Create a separate partition for the installation of phoenix Os  

You need to create a partition of about 20GB or more for the installation. you can do that by

·        Click on windows button and type Disk management(win 7), while for win 10 you can press the WIN + X and select Disk Management
·        Right click on your hard disk drive and select Shrink Volume
·        Enter the space to shrink as 20000 or choose to increase it. keep the rest as it is
·        Then click shrink
·        This will a new unallocated drive, all you need to do is to right click on the new unallocated drive and select New Simple Volume
·        In the new simple volume wizard just keep pressing next
·        Lastly click on finish

This will create a partition were you can install the Phoenix Os

Step 3: Run Phoenix OS exe installer which you downloaded as Administrator

·        Click on install


·        Select the partition which you have created earlier

·        Click next

·        Next select the data size you to install, mind you we created a partition of 20GB so if you cannot select the 32GB option, if you want to run the 32GB option, then while creating your partition you have to increase your size from 20000 to maybe 40000 or more

·        Lastly click on install

The installation will begin immediately, wait patiently for it to complete. After that you will be prompt to reboot your pc.

·           All you need to do is to click on Reboot

This will boot your system to Phoenix OS

Step 4: Select your language and select next

Step 5: Accept the User License Agreement

Step 6: Connect to a Wi-Fi and click next

Step 7: Lastly write your user name and click on finish

So you are done with the installation of Phoenix Os. This is how your pc should look like this

image of phoenix os interface

picture displaying phoenix os interface

If you want to go back to your windows all you need to do is to restart your laptop and you will see the boot option.

if you have a question please drop it at the comment section below I will be here to answer them.

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