How to connect your pc to the internet using an android device


How to connect your pc to the internet using an android device

Connecting your pc to the internet can be a little bit hard to some people and simple to some other group of people. If you find it difficult connecting to the internet with your pc then this blog post is for you. Without wasting much of your time let get started with this tutorials.

 Back in the days people use Modem (modulator-demodulator) to connect their pc to the internet. But now a day’s thing has change you don’t need to use modem to connect to the internet, with your android phone you can connect to the internet and do whatever you want like downloading  of stuffs and watching online videos at your comfort zone.  

Things you will need for this tutorial are:

1.     A good android device
2.     Usb cable or coed
3.     You will need a wireless adapter for your pc (internal or external) but if u have one, then there will be no need for that.

Steps involve

1.     Using your android as a Wi-Fi hotspot

Image showing WiFi hotspot connection

Hotspot tethering is one of the fastest and easiest way to connect your pc the internet. And here is the way to do it.

  1.         Open Settings  app on your android phone
  2.         Click on Network & Internet
  3.         Select the Hotspot and Tethering option
  4.         Tap on Portable hotspot or Wi-Fi hotspot depends on which phone you are using
  5.         Next step is to Turn the Slider On you will see it will turn blue or purple depends on the kind of android model you are using.

·        Next you have to move on to hotspot settings to configure your hotspot name and to add a password to your hotspot.

When done configuring your android hotspot, the next step is to connect your pc to the internet using the Wi-Fi hotspot you’ve just created. And to do so is to follow the below instructions

  1.         Switch your Wi-Fi On from your pc: Most pc usually come with external button for Wi-Fi making it easy to switch your Wi-Fi On
  2.         After turning your Wi-Fi On, your pc will automatically search for any Wi-Fi hotspot available which include that of your android device
  3.         Once your pc detect your android device Wi-Fi hotspot, click on it and select Connect
  4.         Type in your Wi-Fi hotspot password in which you created earlier and you  are good to go with your internet activities

Please remember to turn off your hotspot when you are done surfing the internet to preserve your data.

2.     Connecting via the use of usb cable

Display of a USB tethering

This step is very simple all you need to do is to follow the below instructions

  1.         Connect your usb cable from your android to your pc
  2.         open setting app on your android and navigate to hotspot and tethering
  3.         Switch On the USB Tethering option
  4.         Your computer will automatically detect an available connection and you can start browsing through the internet with this connection.

Remember to disconnect the usb cord when done to avoid data loss or you can switch off the USB Tethering mode.

Was this post helpful? Let me know in the comment section and if there are other things I forgot to mention please share it at the comment section as well

thanks for reading.

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