Youtube has been one of the platform in which people (individuals or companies) have used both in the past and present to showcase their videos in an online world, so that other people can view them. There are over 2.5billion users worldwide that are using youtube and up to 79% of internet users have their own youtube account that is to show you how important youtube have been to our society. That brings us to today’s topic on how to download a youtube video with one of the popular download manager which is Free Download Manager (FDM). Before we move ahead I will like to do a little talking about free download manager.

Free download manager is one of the best download manager we have which has some special features to improve and better our download and this features includes 

  1.         The ability to pause a download and resume it whenever you like
  2.         Increases your download speed up to 10 times
  3.         It has the ability to download multiple file including torrent file and others
  4.         Drop box for file drag-and-drop
  5.        Has a special feature to resume a broken download if permitted by the server or a failed download caused by lack of data.

 And many more feature that one can boost about. This software is available for windows user and it’s also available for both android, Linux and Mac Os. The great joy about this application is that it is free, for people like me who love free things, just joking. Without wasting much of your time let get started with this tutorials

 How to download youtube videos with free download manager proper

Here are the simple steps to follow

1.     Download the software (free download manager) from their official website and install it on your pc
2.     Launch the software and open your web browser
3.      Search for the video you want to download on youtube and Click on it to view it
4.     Copy the video URL in the address bar at the top of your browser
5.     Open your free download manager software on your desktop and click on the plus downloadadd.png sign, and a box will appear
6.     Paste your video URL and click on OK for FDM to verify the video and make it ready for download
7.     A small windows will pop up with options for you to select how you want the video quality should be, Kindly select one of the option and move to the next step
8.     Finally click on the download button and free download manager will begin your download immediately.

 Wait patiently for the download to complete and you can now view the video which you have just downloaded. If you feel like downloading another video just follow the necessary steps above to do so.

I hope this post was helpful if yes let me know in the comment section below, and if you have another way of doing this kindly let us through the comment section below. Because knowledge is power

Thanks for reading!!!!!!

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